Thursday, January 19, 2012

6 Months!

My baby is 6 months old.  How did this happen?

It seems like we were just barely bringing her home from the hospital, and now she's closer to being a year old than being a newborn.  It's so crazy to me!

I love this age though, she is so so so much fun!

 Some of Emerson's favorite things at 6 months are:

- Her baby dolls!  She loves them.  She likes to give them kisses... or just suck on their faces.  Either way!

-  She loves giving us her face sucking kisses.  It cracks me up every time!

- When daddy comes home!  She hears the key in the lock and she immediately starts looking at the door, while waving her arms, and hyperventilating.  She love love loves when he comes home.  I think she knows that when dad comes home that means lots and lots of play time.  Mom gets sort of boring!  ;)

-  Any and all tags.  If there is a tag on it, she will find it and she will LOVE it.

-  Sitting up like a big girl in her tub!  We just started doing this, and she thinks it's really funny.  I think mostly just because she can see her reflection in the mirror, and she loves the baby in the mirror.

-  She loves all babies.  If there is a baby in the room she gets so excited and tries to lunge at the other babies.  It's also the same with small children.

-  She's starting to get the hang of, and really enjoy, baby food!  Especially squash.  That seems to be her most favorite.

-  Still loves her Sophie Giraffe

Some of the things that Emerson does NOT like at 6 months are:

-  Being in the car (well, car seat) at night.  We think she just doesn't like the dark.

-  The vacuum!! Although the other day I did manage to vacuum the entire living room without her screaming, she did whimper and whine the whole time though..

-  Shots! And the nurse who gives the shots.  The nurse gave her her shots she screamed, then she was ok once the nurse left, the nurse came back to give me her prescription and said 'bye-bye' to Emerson... She screamed.

-  Feeling like she's not part of the action.  She wants to be right there with us for whatever we do, she will fight naps forever if she feels like she's missing out on something... which is sad, especially because we're almost never doing anything fun.

-  Bottles!  She just doesn't like them, it doesn't seem to matter what's in them.  I think we're going to try a sippy cup instead soon.

 Yeah.. the iPhone is her favorite toy... 

6 Month Stats:

- Weight: 14 lbs 3 oz, That puts her in the 12%.  Her doctor is a little bit worried about this because she's gone from being in the 34% to the 21% and now to the 12%.

- Length: 25 inches!  That means she's in the 18% for height.

- Size 2 diapers

-  Wears mostly 6 month clothes, but still wears A LOT of her 3 month stuff.

-  Still has no real teeth, but we're pretty sure we can see one... it just hasn't popped through yet.


  1. so is she really a red head? those pics make her hair really red (but i know my little guy comes through more red than he is in real life). either way, that's one cute girl! curse those growth charts. just ask cousin Katie. She has tiny humans for babies. (and carrie for that matter. her's are always getting in trouble for being too small.)

    And des didn't get a tooth until a month before he was one. I was sure he'd be one and still gumming everything.

  2. You do recall that Cam had zero teeth until he was one...and look how tall and 'strapping' he is now! :) And she does look red in these pics! But, that red gene is on both sides! Cutie girl!

  3. Love those last 2 pictures! What a cutie
