Wednesday, April 13, 2011

And it grew....


In the past 2 weeks the little bugger sure has grown.

A lot!

I seriously think that I went to bed one night 'normal sized' and woke up with a big gut. It was both amazing and quite shocking!

Also, for the first time random strangers on the street have actually commented on me being pregnant... I'm sure I'll be sick of it by the time July rolls around, but for right now I'm just happy that I look more pregnant than fat. :)

So... here I am at 26 weeks!! (Well.... technically I'll be 26 TOMORROW.. but I'm gonna bet I don't grow too much in the next 3 hours until Thursday rolls around!)


Well... there we go! Me and my belly!

Only 14 more weeks to go. Woo! :)

.... We really need to find a name for this baby....


  1. you look great! not said like tony the tiger

  2. wahoo! You are still super tiny by the way... but you look prego for sure :) And P.s. you never looked fat!

  3. lookin' good! Strangely enough looking through family history/genealogy can produce some fun and meaningful names. you should try it.

  4. oh and wait until the cutie is born and your milk comes in...I walked past the mirror in the morning and had to do a double take because over night I had porn star boobs! (TMI?) :D good times.
