So... it's been a while.
I know, I know... I fail at this whole blogging thing! But! I will try really really really hard to be better.
I'm serious this time.
In case anyone still reads this blog I'll just do a quick update on what's been going on in the Cunningham household the past few months. So here is the Readers Digest version (as I randomly think about it... so good luck following along):
- Emerson gets cuter every day! I'm serious! We also fall more and more in love with her every day. Which, I know is what EVERYONE says and it's so cliche, but it's hard not to fall in love with this cute girly. She's awesome.
- E has been sleeping through the night since like 6-ish weeks! She now goes to bed at about 11 (I know, it's so late... but no matter what we do or try she won't go to bed til 11) and then she doesn't wake up until 10 or 11 in the morning, although she normally will eat at about 6 am and then fall right back to sleep. I've pretty much decided that she takes after her dad's hatred of early mornings. He's also more of a night owl. The 2 of them are capable of staying up waaaay later than me. I like to be in bed by 10, or earlier.
- We blessed Emerson on September 4th! Ammon did a BEAUTIFUL job. It was a wonderful day with lots of our family and friends. Emerson didn't cry during her blessing or poop on her dress. Those were the only two things I wanted for that day. And she managed to pull through for me. That's my girl. (Hopefully I'll do a post later just about her Blessing Day because that is worthy of it's own post.)
- Ammon got a new job! Woohoo! It definitely makes him hate life less, which in turn makes me hate life less. ;) So we are now a non life-hating family over here.
- Ammon and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on October 9th! I seriously can't believe it's been 2 years already... although sometimes I can't believe it's only been 2 years, it feels like we've been married FOREVER (in a good way of course). We even left Emerson with a sitter for the very first time (Thanks Sarah!) and she was a champ! She didn't even cry.. or probably miss us. Although we missed her very very much. I had to laugh at the fact that our first time away from her in almost 3 months and we spent a good chunk of it talking about how awesome Em is. Oh, parenthood....
- Emerson has had a blocked tear duct in her left eye since she was born. It's sort of gross, and makes her look like she's got some sort of nasty disease oozing out of her face. It's really quite sad. Although luckily for her her Grandpa is an Optometrist and has gotten her some drops... even though it sucks putting them in. I'm sure it hurts me more than her though.
- Ammon and I got a new calling in church. We are now the ward librarians. Oh yeah... apparently they do give that calling to people under the age of 85. It's a good place to be. We get to ring the bell at the end of class. We have so much power... we're trying to keep it from going to our heads.
- Emerson and I got to spend 5 days down in Monroe babysitting my brothers/her uncles. (Well, really we were just there for Brenner... and to keep the other two in line of course). It was a lot of fun and Emerson was exhausted at the end of every day thanks to all of the Brenner love she was getting. He sure does love his 'Em-uh-son'.
- Emerson is just starting to laugh!!!! Oh, it's the best thing ever!! Ammon and I make fools of ourselves constantly trying to get a chuckle out of her... or just a half-grin even. It's especially great when we do it out in public... and child-less people stare at us in horror. It's ok though, their time will come.
- At E's 2 month check-up (which was really at like 2.5 months.. we were a little slow) she weighed 10 lbs 5 oz and was 23 inches long putting her in the 31% and 64% respectively. She's getting big. It makes me sad.
So, there's a quick little mini-update on our lives. I'm sorry there are no pictures, but for some reason I always download our pictures on the other computer... and Ammon has it at work today. :(
Oh well, she's super cute... I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.